Friday, August 14, 2009

Night Owel

Ok so it is like 2am and i'm still up!!! What the heck i'm i thinking??? My baby will be up in 2 to 3 hrs and i'm on this silly computer.. well if you know my mom at all she is a total night owel . I remember coming home from dates and she would still be up and if she wasn't up then I would wonder what was wrong w her and till this day at the young age of 57 she still stays up late. I guess it just runs in the family but also if you knew my life you would know that my hubby works nights so maybe deep down inside i feel i like i should be awake.. well who knows but i have to kick this habit i always regret it the next day.. It is like an addiction and it something i have to stop! I can say one thing and that is at lest i'm not on that silly facebook... I was really bad on that for a long time.. i hate to say but i could be on that silly thing for 5hrs i know i'm crazy but i have found so many different friends on there that i haven't seen or talk to in forever and if you know me at all i love people!!! always has and always will lol so this is a way for me to stay in contact.

Well i can't believe that i have a blog now.. But i look at it s more of a journal then anything, I love to journal but i hate to write so this is much better so i apologize in advance if you find out to much about me but i'm here to clear my head and update all my wonderful family and friends. Ok well it is now 2:30am and i really need to get to sleep so i can get some sleep so that my wonderful hubby and i can go to the temple tomorrow and take family pics.. GOOD NIGHT!!!


  1. YAY! I'm so happy that you have a blog!!! :) That way I can keep up with you on here too! WHOO HOO!!

    I heart you Steph!

  2. Steph, I just happened to check my facebook and saw your post tonight about having a blog, so I thought I'd say hi! I love blogging for the reason you mentioned...if I don't blog about it, then it doesn't get written down, so my blog is my family's record too! lol. I'm also a total night owl and always have been. Even back in high school my parents would be yelling at me to go to bed because I'd be up vacuuming or doing some other random thing at 3:00 AM. lol! Anyways, This is a great way to stay in touch. It's fun to see what you're up to and I'm glad things are going so great for you. Your little girl is darling! ;)
