Monday, November 2, 2009


McCabe Family First Halloween
This what happens when Daddy is the babysitter

Halloween Mini Mouse

Helping pass out Candy with Aunti Amanda

Pickingout the candy that she wanted but didn't get to eat

Halloween Mini Mouse .. and what a cute one she was

Before she turned into Halloween Mini Mouse

One of our favorite holidays is Halloween and it being our first one we had a nice time it wasn't what i expected or wanted it to be but we made do w what what we had since our fund were small. Friday night we had our ward Party which was fun to see everyone all dressed up, we did get to stay long cause it was pretty cool outside and i was worried that Nevaeh would be to cold so we hung out for a little bit and then headed to our friends Mac and Jess Rainwater for Mac's birthday.

Halloween I had to go help set up for our Primary program so I left Nevaeh w her daddy and when i came back i came home to both of them pasted out on the floor sleeping lol and the funny thing is Jason woke up for min to talk to me and then fell back to sleep but he fell asleep sitting up so of coures I had to take a pic lol. We decided that we weren't going to go trick or treating this year cause i thought she was to young so we went over to grandma and grandpa McCabes to help pass our candy .. I wasn't very much into Halloween that night cause my kidneys were hearting me so we didn't dress up or even really get Nevaeh dressed up but we did have a fun time watching Nevaeh look at all the kids that were dressed up. I think for her first Halloween she enjoyed herself. Next year it is so on we are going to have the best Halloween ever :)

The changes in our lives

I guess I'm better at updating once a month but i guess that is better then nothing lol.

October has been a very interesting month for our little family. Nevaeh is now crawling and pulling her self up on everything which is pretty scary cause she is falling all the time and the other day she got her first bloody lip :( That made me sad but i knew that this is the only beginning of her falling and getting hurt. She is growing like a little weed.. Not so much on getting fat but she is long.. she went to wearing 0-3 month clothes for like 8months to wearing 3-6 for 2 months and now she is finally in 6-9 month old clothes.. She is almost 1yr old we have one more month and my baby girl will be a year old, that to me is just so crazy too think of but i guess she has to grow up someday. Nevaeh has such personality she love to laugh and she make the cuties sounds ever.. She can say Dada and her thing for a while was ah ha which i think is so cute but now she pushes her lips out like a little monkey and makes sounds like one it is so cute. She love to bounce up in down on her bum.. every time she hears music she dances.. and she is known for her Happy Feet.. She loves to sit and just kick and when she stands up her little feet are just moving all the time (reason why she falls) . Her to fav shows to watch are Sesame Street and Barney.. I know i swore that my child would never watch Barney but she just love it so i guess I'm OK with it. Being a mom is such a blessing in my life and i love each and everyday I get to spend time with her.

OK so now more of the serious stuff that has been going on in our life.. Almost three weeks ago Jason got layed of from his job :( I thought this would never happen to us but it did and all i can say is that I think i have been handling it quite well.. First thing i did was get on my knees and pray to Heavenly Father for all he has given us thus far and then i asked him what we need to do and give me comfort in what happens. Jason called his Uncle in MO to see if he has any work for him and he said that he might but to get back w him in a few weeks to find out for sure. Jason looked at me after he got off the phone and said"Honey we are moving to MO" Normally my reaction would be sweet let's go but not this time... I was kind of sad because I have finally felt like i was settled and I never want to move ever again but see this is what happen when you say that cause Heavenly Father has more in store for us. We have been fasting and praying about this and let me tell you this has been a very hard descion for me but i will tell you I will always support my hubby and if this is were he wants to go then i will do it. the great thing is that my family is back there and well we all need to pull together as a family right now cause Satan is really work on a few member of my family so maybe it will be a good thing for us to go back and help. Lately i have had a feeling that we don't belong here anymore but i keep trying to ignore it because I'm really enjoying my life here but i know Heavenly father has much more in store for this little family. All i can say is " I WILL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO DEAR LORD I WILL DO WHAT YOU WHAT ME TO DO"

Friday, October 2, 2009


You know i thought i was going to be really good at this and do this like all the time but i guess i was wrong..

Jason and i have made a deal together to go work out at the gym and loose weight! I totally need to now that my baby is girl is almost 1yrs old. We started last week and it was great!!! This week we have done a pretty good job at going and the thing i love most about it is that i get to spend time w my hubby, i have already figured out that I can't do it with out him, he is my support and well let's just say i kinda like to compete w him but shhhh don't tell him. Our sweet little Love Bug( that is my name for her) is growing up so so fast in 18 days she is going to me 10 months old!!!!!! Where has the time gone it just seems like she was just born. She is getting so big well really she is pretty sm for her age she weighs 15.4 and she is 27 inches long.. She has very long legs just like her mommy. Nevaeh now has two bottom teeth which are super cute, she is doing the army crawl and she sits up all on her own. I'm so not ready for her to be doing all this stuff yet, I'm excited but sad at the same time.

My hair business it doing so great right now and I know it is all thanks to Heavenly Father!!! I have been trying to do everything that is asked of me and in return he is blessing me w all of these wonderful people. Jason has earned a weeks paid vacation so he is such a wonderful hubby and has decided to go to MO to see my family in November, we are going to be gone for 13days and I'm just so excited!!!! My sister April is going to be having a baby in Dec and they will be having her baby shower when we are up there to and my Grams, Aunt Debbie and cousin Dawn will be there too.. I'm super excited for that cause my aunt or cousin haven't met Jason or Nevaeh so that will be fun for them to get to know them and i haven't met Dawns youngest either plus we are going to celebrate my Daddy's Birthday and my Nephew's, this will be a trip that is defiantly needed.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Night Owel

Ok so it is like 2am and i'm still up!!! What the heck i'm i thinking??? My baby will be up in 2 to 3 hrs and i'm on this silly computer.. well if you know my mom at all she is a total night owel . I remember coming home from dates and she would still be up and if she wasn't up then I would wonder what was wrong w her and till this day at the young age of 57 she still stays up late. I guess it just runs in the family but also if you knew my life you would know that my hubby works nights so maybe deep down inside i feel i like i should be awake.. well who knows but i have to kick this habit i always regret it the next day.. It is like an addiction and it something i have to stop! I can say one thing and that is at lest i'm not on that silly facebook... I was really bad on that for a long time.. i hate to say but i could be on that silly thing for 5hrs i know i'm crazy but i have found so many different friends on there that i haven't seen or talk to in forever and if you know me at all i love people!!! always has and always will lol so this is a way for me to stay in contact.

Well i can't believe that i have a blog now.. But i look at it s more of a journal then anything, I love to journal but i hate to write so this is much better so i apologize in advance if you find out to much about me but i'm here to clear my head and update all my wonderful family and friends. Ok well it is now 2:30am and i really need to get to sleep so i can get some sleep so that my wonderful hubby and i can go to the temple tomorrow and take family pics.. GOOD NIGHT!!!